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Career & Interview Skills/Personal Finance

Throughout this project, we practiced our interview skills as well as our job application skills in order to prepare us for when we do get a job. We had to create a resume, as well as practice many different interview questions. We held a mock interview where an outside evaluator interviewed you for the job position you "applied" for. At the end, the evaluator had to pick 1 person out of those who he evaluated who would "get the job," and in my group I was selected. After completing the moc interview, we focused on personal finances. We looked into loans, interest rates, different types of interest, credit cards and many other things. We them had to select a career that we might be interested in (I chose accounting) and give a short presentation on it. We then took those careers and were given a salary at a Financial Reality fair where we had to go through different things such as clothing, housing, and insurance in order to balance our budget.


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